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Stay ahead in the iGaming scene with NuxGame's fast KYC and AML tools. Bolster conversion rates and shield your business with top-level fraud prevention.

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Key KYC & AML Capabilities

NuxGame delivers cutting-edge kyc gaming and gaming aml kyc solutions, offering advanced identity verification and compliance management for secure iGaming operations, ensuring top-notch gambling aml kyc software standards.
Precise Identification

Precise Identification

Our automated system provides rapid customer onboarding with unmatched accuracy, crucial for gaming aml kyc and gaming fraud prevention, eliminating the speed-accuracy trade-off.

Why NuxGame?

NuxGame combats iGaming fraud with advanced algorithms, ensuring AML/KYC compliance and reducing legal risks. Our tech-driven platform, featuring AI, OCR, and biometrics, ensures top-notch fraud prevention and regulatory adherence in the gaming industry.


Steer clear of multi-accounting and unfair chargebacks. Our advanced algorithms help you identify and block arbers, scammers, and bonus hunters, saving your business from unnecessary losses and potential legal issues.
  • Reduce chargeback rate


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