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Responsible Gambling

We commit to responsible business practices. Honesty and reliability are crucial to long term success. 

Our company ethics embraces different ethnicity, beliefs, cultures and genders. We respect and protect our employees at all times. NuxGame is governed openly and transparently. Our team’s and shareholders interests are aligned in a mutually reinforcing relationship.

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Stop crime in gambling

We strive to maintain a safe and responsible form of entertainment. We take action and create products preventing gambling from sourcing a crime. We aim to ensure the business is conducting fair and open. Young people, children, and vulnerable individuals must be protected, and gaming must not become harmful or addictive. 

Your business can deploy any protective measures with our products with ease. Our software can be customized to comply with your jurisdiction’s legislation regarding the protection of young and vulnerable.

The software provides tools for responsible gambling:

  • KYC, age and identity verification
  • Setting up limits for finance and time
  • Controls for self-exclusion and time-out
  • Checking reality

Safeguard for data

Your customers and clients convey their personal and financial information to your business every day. That’s why we make our products safeguarding this data. Privacy and information protection are vital for safe and reliable business practices.

Regular audit for fair business

NuxGame undertakes annual audits to ensure products and services are in line with appropriate high standards of business. Our company does not tolerate bribery, corruption, money laundering or other unfair practices.

You get a fair and transparent product, fully answering your legal business issues. 

Fully compliant products and services

Our managers, decisions, policies go through risk assessment regularly. Risk areas are addressed efficiently. That’s to ensure that our business and products comply with all relevant legislation and regulation. 

We only permit using our software within regulated jurisdictions. Our products are for legally compliant operators working under relevant licenses. The software meets all regulatory and technical provisions. 

If you want to know more about our protective measures and compliance, be sure to contact us. 

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